A Chicago police commander was arrested this week after evidence surfaced earlier this year that he had shoved his gun inside a 24-year-old suspect's mouth during an investigation.

He's been charged with aggravated battery and official misconduct.

Investigators say Cmdr. Glenn Evans was on patrol with two other officers on January 30, 2013 when he allegedly spotted 24-year-old Rickey J. Williams holding a handgun. The officers gave chase and eventually caught Williams inside an abandoned home.

The officers were unable to locate the handgun, but apparently decided to arrest Williams anyway, for reckless conduct. It was during that arrest that Evans reportedly placed his gun inside Williams' mouth. Williams also claims the police pressed a Taser gun against his genitals.

According to the Chicago Tribune, an Illinois State Police crime lab found the man's DNA on the barrel of Evan's service weapon.

Evans was reportedly stripped of his badge and gun Wednesday.

[image via Chicago Police Department]