[There was a video here]

A ludicrously dressed child tasked with ensuring the safe transport of the back of Queen Elizabeth II's dress into and out of the House of Lords on Wednesday appeared, tragically, to die of boredom earlier this morning when he collapsed in the middle of the Queen's speech to Parliament. Fortunately, he had only fainted.

Cameras in the chamber picked up the loud thud of the boy's fall a split second after the Queen declared the government "will work towards a comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran." The Queen, more concerned with giving her speech than a fuck, continued reading from her prepared remarks without pausing. Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, who were seated directly next to the pageboys, looked mildly alarmed.

The BBC reports that the boy, who was one of four young pages attending the Queen at the State Opening of Parliament, was carried out of the chamber.

A House of Lords spokesman told the organization, "We can confirm one of the pageboys did faint slightly but he is now fine."

At the conclusion of the Queen's speech, the three conscious pageboys carried her train out of the chamber without incident, an indication that perhaps four was overkill in the first place.

[Video via C-SPAN2]