The managing director of Citigroup's environmental and social risk management team was found dead in his downtown Manhattan apartment yesterday afternoon.

Shawn D. Miller, 42, was discovered dead in his bathtub, his throat slit, just after 3 pm by his doorman, who, according to the New York Daily News, went to the apartment at the request of one of Miller's friends. No weapon was found at the scene, and police have labeled the death "suspicious."

Citigroup confirmed the news on Wednesday.

"We are deeply saddened by this news and our thoughts are with Shawn's family at this time," the bank said in a statement. Miller, described on his Linkedin page as "a thought leader and pioneer in sustainable finance," has worked at Citigroup since 2004.

Unsurprisingly, and despite Miller's status as a greenwasher, the New York Post's Facebook comments are largely gleeful: "All bankers should die!" "Bankers and politicians are the lowest criminals in existence!" "I hope from ear to ear." "The gene pool just got stronger!"

[Image via Linkedin]