Sometime Elvis impersonator Paul Kevin Curtis, cleared yesterday of charges that he'd sent poison ricin-laced letters to President Obama and other public officials, now claims he was framed by another man. Over a martial arts feud.

J. Everett Dutschke, a Tae Kwon Do instructor and "longtime personal enemy" of Curtis', has not been charged with a crime, but investigators searched his house yesterday and law-enforcement sources told CNN that authorities "are investigating whether someone may have tried to falsely implicate" Curtis.

And why would Dutschke attempt to frame Curtis? TPM explains:

Curtis provided further details about the feud at the press conference when reporters asked him about his relationship with Dutschke. He claimed he did not know Dutschke well, but had received angry messages from him and heard indications from others that Dutschke had a major grudge against him. Curtis implied Dutschke may have developed these negative feelings towards him when they studied taekwondo together or because of his career as an Elvis impersonator. According to Curtis, one of the messages he received from Dutschke was an email saying, “I’ve created a band called Robodrum and we’re going to throw you off the national circuit.”

Robodrum is Dutschke's band, which performs "Live-Loop Oriented Rock with tons of lasers."