Plenty of teens fall in love on the internet, but Shannon Maureen Conley, 19, fell in love with a man who says he's an ISIS militant in Syria. She was arrested in April for trying to board a plane to meet him in Turkey. According to court documents unsealed yesterday, Conley was committed to supporting ISIS and waging jihad against non-believers.

According to the Denver Post, Conley communicated with the militant, referred to in the documents as "Y.M.," from her Denver, Colorado home. Her parents and federal investigators tried for months to get her to stop, but she was determined to travel to the Middle East and East Africa and participate in terrorism. Her parents told investigators, "Conley believed she, as a Muslim, needed to marry young and be confrontational in her support of Islam. She conceded her knowledge of Islam was based solely on her own research that she conducted on the Internet."

Conley even enrolled herself in the U.S. Army Explorers, a nonprofit youth group, to be trained in military tactics and gun use. According to the criminal complaint, she and Y.M. determined she would support ISIS and "fight should it become necessary."

Conley is being represented by a federal public defender. If she's convicted of attempting to materially support ISIS, she will face 15 years in jail, a $250,000 fine, or both.

[Image via AP]