Applicants for a mid-level job at a home appliance retailer say they were shocked when the store informed them their success hinged on their ability to defeat others in a dance-off set to Daft Punk.

One of the would-be assistant managers told the BBC he and nine other hopefuls were broken up into teams by store staff at Currys' Cardiff location and ordered to "dance with each other" in a back room.

"I think everyone initially thought it was a joke," Alan Bacon, 21, told BBC News, "but they were serious." "I just felt so embarrassed and uncomfortable," Bacon continued. "I ended up dancing to ‘Around the World’ by Daft Punk, doing rubbish robotics in my suit in front of a group of strangers. I told my dad it was like a scene out of The Office. I would have walked out but I need a job."

Bacon's dancing skills apparently didn't wow the Human Resources department, and his application was ultimately rejected.

After news of the daft dance-terview got out, Currys quickly issued a statement saying the Cardiff store had gone rogue, and apologized "to those interviewees impacted on this occasion."

The company invited the rejected applicants to return for a second interview in which "they will be given a proper opportunity to demonstrate how they can contribute to our business."

Bacon said he planned to look for employment somewhere else, preferably in a store without a dance code.

[video via BBC News]