Congressmen Just Can't Stop Getting Porn in the Mail

Every member of Congress gets Hustler in the mail. No member of Congress can stop it. Who's to say they'd want to?
National Journal's Matt Vasilogambros reports that Hustler publisher and First Amendment celebrant Larry Flynt continues to mail monthly copies of his skin mag to each of 535 congressional offices, as he has since 1983:
The dirty mag comes in a plain manila envelope, fairly undetectable to the poor intern or staffer tasked with opening the mail. And every month, there it is: Hustler, featuring dozens of naked or scantly dressed women, vulgar comics, and articles, some satirical, on politics, society, and sex.
It's not like members of Congress haven't tried to stop the magazines from coming. They just can't stop it legally.
Hundreds of legislators filed a complaint against Flynt in '84 to stop the mailings, but a U.S. district court eventually sided with the porn king. "Receiving Hustler once each month would not unduly burden a Member of Congress," the court's opinion read, adding: "We cannot imagine that Congressional offices all lack wastebaskets."
Nor do they lack staffers with access to private washrooms and time to pass between Obamacare repeal votes. Next time you're surfing past CSPAN, just consider that the most interesting motions in Congress probably don't get made on the open floor.