Convicted Zumba John Is Anti-Gay Advocate of "Traditional Values"

Surprise, surprise. The first man convicted of paying Maine Zumba madam Alexis Wright for sex is also a staunch (and married) advocate of Christian family values who donated $1,000 to an anti-gay marriage group last fall.
On Thursday, after a two day trial, Donald Fortin, 59, was found guilty of “engaging a prostitute" and was ordered to pay a $500 fine plus $110 in court fees. Of the 68 Johns charged with the same crime, Fortin was the second to take his case to trial; the first was acquitted due to lack of evidence, but Fortin wasn't so lucky — during his trial, prosecutors showed Skype screenshots of him having sex with Wright.
Fortin's involvement with "family values" causes were first reported last fall. According to state records, in October 2012 — roughly one year after he paid for sex with Wright — Fortin donated $1,000 to Protect Maine Marriage, a “Christians for Traditional Marriage” organization that fought the 2012 legislation that eventually legalized gay marriage in Maine. Through his company, Diamond Developments of Maine, LLC, Fortin also donated $350 to Garret Mason, a conservative state Senator opposed to gay marriage. Fortin Construction Inc, another company owned by Fortin, bills itself as a "A Christian Family Owned Company" online.
Wright, the Zumba madam, is serving a 10-month jail sentence after pleading guilty to 14 prostitution charges and six other misdemeanors in March.
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