Just hours before 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley shot two cops "execution-style" in Brooklyn on Saturday, the killer announced his planned crime on social media, writing, "I'm Putting Wings on Pigs Today. They Take 1 of Ours...... Let's Take 2 of Theirs."

Chillingly, Brinsley's Instagram post showed a silver Taurus pistol—matching a photo of the murder weapon later released by police.

According to The Baltimore Sun, authorities in Maryland first became aware of the message at 1:30 p.m., calling New York police at 2:10 p.m. At around 2:45 p.m., Brinsley took "a shooting stance" behind an NYPD patrol car and fired on the officers sitting inside.

Baltimore-area police had already been searching for Brinsley, who they believed to have shot his ex-girlfriend early Saturday morning, a crime also apparently referenced on Instagram.

A photo uploaded shortly after Brinsley's initial threat showed smeared blood on his pants alongside the 50 Cent lyrics "never had a hot gun on your waist and blood on your shoe."

Other photos on the account included comments from a woman who appeared to be the aunt of Brinsley's first victim. "If anyone see this punk ass call the police he shot my niece this morning!!!" read one message. "She didn't want you so u shoot her really," read another.

On Saturday, the killer posted a final status update on his Facebook page. "I Always Wanted To Be Known For Doing Something Right," wrote Brinsley. "But My Past Is Stalking Me And My Present Is Haunting Me."

[Images via Instagram]