A gay man in Staten Island named Louis Falcone says police called him a “faggot” while beating him outside his home on June 19. The incident was taped from across the street, though no homophobic epithets are audible. The Daily News posted footage and an interview with Falcone:

“While I was on the ground, I had mud and blood in my mouth,” Falcone told the Daily News. “One (of the cops) said, ‘Don’t let it get on you, he probably has AIDS, the faggot.’”

Falcone, the Daily News story points out, weighs 150 lbs.

According to a source, Falcone’s mother called the police early during the morning of June 19 after he had been fighting with his brother and “tearing up the house.” By the time the police arrived, Falcone’s brother had departed. Falcone was reportedly uncooperative and spit in one of the police officer’s faces.

Falcone also alleges the police also threatened to kill his dog. He plans to sue in federal court for civil rights violations, according to his lawyer.