Early this morning, Toronto cops undertook a huge sweep of the neighborhood the Toronto Star calls "ground zero for the Rob Ford crack video scandal," taking several people into custody at the infamous Dixon Road apartments and visiting the home of one of the men photographed standing with Ford in the infamous "crack house" picture.

The nearby home of Muhammad Khattak, one of the men in the photo at the top of this post, was visited by police officers during the raid. (Khattak was injured in the shooting that killed another one of the men in the photo, Anthony Smith.) Star reporters say that an evidence bag apparently containing a Toshiba laptop was taken out of the house. Police on the scene refused to comment.

The arrests in the Dixon Road area were part of a police action called "Project Traveller," a multi-city sting operation that is the result of "months of surveillance by officers from a task force put together to slow or stop the flow of guns into the GTA." Dozens of arrest warrants were served.

Aaaand there's that whole thing where Mayor Rob Ford was filmed smoking crack cocaine. Sources tell the Star that "[s]urveillance carried out by detectives has yielded information related to the alleged crack video."

Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair will hold a press conference today at noon.

[images via Google Street View and AP]