The New York Daily News reports that the NYPD has questioned film mogul Harvey Weinstein about allegations that he groped a 22-year-year old woman this weekend at Weinstein's office*.

According to police sources who spoke with the Daily News, the woman claims Weinstein grabbed her genitals and breasts Friday evening at the Tribeca Film Center.

From the Daily News:

Weinstein has been questioned by police, and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance will determine whether to file charges, a police source said.

"He initiated the contact," the source said of Weinstein. "He saw her and spoke to her. She didn't know who he was until he approached her."

Weinstein's reps haven't replied to the News' request for comment.

UPDATE 6:51 pm: The New York Times has more about the alleged assault. The alleged victim reportedly first met Weinstein at an event Thursday night at the Radio City Music Hall.

From the Times:

"They did not know each other," said one of the law enforcement officials, who agreed to speak only on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing. "She didn't know him and he didn't know her; there is no indication she knew who he was."

The two exchanged emails, and on Friday the woman went to meet Mr. Weinstein at his offices at the Tribeca Film Center, at 375 Greenwich Street in Lower Manhattan, the official said.

It appears the two met in private, according to the official, and it was during that meeting that she claims he touched her inappropriately.

The woman went to police shortly after the encounter, during which, she claims, Weinstein asked if her breasts were real and groped her. Police officials told the Times that Weinstein voluntarily accompanied detectives on Saturday to the First Precinct, where he answered questions until he asked to consult a lawyer, at which point he was allowed to leave.

*This post has been updated to show that the alleged meeting occurred at Weinstein's office, not a New York movie theater as originally stated.

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