Cops: Two Pre-Med Students Murdered a UCLA Sorority Girl and Used a Snuggie to Cover Up Their Crime

Los Angeles police say they know how and why a 21-year-old sorority girl was brutally murdered earlier this month, the culmination of a lurid investigation involving ecstasy, arson, and a bloody UCLA-branded Snuggie.
The investigation began a little more than a week ago, when the body of Andrea DelVesco was found stabbed to death inside a burning off-campus apartment. Initially, detectives reportedly believed her death was tied to drugs because she was facing felony charges for dealing ecstasy.
But the real motive was much more simple, authorities say—she was killed by two 22-year-old pre-med students who were burglarizing her apartment complex. Via the Los Angeles Times:
On Tuesday, prosecutors charged Alberto Hinojosa Medina and Eric Marquez — both 22-year-old students — with murder in DelVesco’s death, saying Medina stabbed her after burglarizing a nearby apartment and then breaking into her home.
Medina is also accused of setting fire to the apartment on Roebling Avenue before fleeing.
Both men have been charged with murder, but Medina—who cops say did the actual stabbing before starting the fire—is facing a far more serious sentence.
The men say they’re innocent, but the evidence thus far doesn’t look great for them: cops say a surveillance camera caught the men entering the apartment, and Medina was later filmed using a university-branded Snuggie to hide the blood on his shirt. And, a witness for the prosecution claims he spoke with Marquez before observing both men enter DelVesco’s apartment.
Marquez remains in jail on a $1.1 million bond while Medina was denied bail, the LA Times reports, because he is potentially facing the death penalty.