Craigslist Murderer's Dad, Cops Say Satanic Cult Is a "Fantasy World"

Did it sound a bit grand, a bit too ambitious, a bit too too when the 19-year-old mother now known as the Craigslist Killer claimed last weekend that she was a Satanic serial murderer with dozens of victims across North America? Yeah, that seems to be the emerging
Less than a week after gushily telling the world that accused killer Miranda Barbour is the most prolific serial killer this side of John Wayne Gacyville, the central Pennsylvania Daily Item has interviewed her dad, Sonny Dean. He says she's a killer, sure, but she's not that homicidal:
Dean told the newspaper that his daughter was a heroin addict and is a liar and manipulator, but he doesn't think she is a mass murderer. "Miranda lives in a fantasy world," he said...
"Believe very little of what Miranda says," said Dean, of Texas. "She has a long history of extreme manipulation and dishonesty."
Dean adds that it's possible Miranda committed two murders in Alaska, because there are two "48-hour periods" from their days their in which he can't account for her whereabouts. But that falls well shy of the 22 to 100 murders she claimed in her weekend interview.
Meanwhile, the Alaska state police say they haven't linked Barbour to any killings there, despite her claims that she created scads of carnage for her dark lord there:
"At this time the Alaska State Troopers are not aware of any information — beyond Barbour's comments quoted in the press — or evidence that would implicate Barbour with a homicide committed in Alaska," AST spokeswoman Megan Peters wrote in an email Tuesday.
That dovetails with reports by prosecutors in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, where Barbour and her husband stand accused of murdering 42-year-old Troy LeFerrara, who offered them money for sex through Craigslist. "As of this date there has been no verification of any of the information that has been the subject of media coverage regarding prior acts of the defendant," the county's district attorney told TMZ.
Is it still possible that Barbour is the Cal Ripken of Satanic killing? Remotely. Is it possible that she's exaggerating her talents for a gainful reason, like, say, setting up a defense that involves mental disturbance as a mitigating factor? Increasingly.
Is it going to matter when she and her husband are likely convicted and sentenced for LeFerrara's killing? Hardly.
[Video screenshot courtesy of CNN]