Crowd Heckles Trump as Standup Set Starts to Taper
Donald Trump, a drunk court jester who’s been roving the country doing racist Chris Farley impersonations for packed stadiums, was a little off earlier today. And as has happened to struggling comedians since time immemorial, Donald Trump got heckled.
As Trump discusses how exactly he plans to round up the country’s illegal immigrants en masse (a topic that he’s now gone over hundreds if not thousands of times), someone in the crowd yells, “This is boring! Tell us some jokes.”
Trump watches, silently. “Yeah it’s boring; entertain us!” yells another. Trump continues to look on.

Is the sad clown becoming self-aware?, you might wonder. Nope—he finally speaks out: “Get him out of here. There’s nothing funny about this, and he wants jokes!” Which, to Donald Trump’s credit, is true. There really is nothing funny about the fact that people are supporting a man who wants to “round up” 11 million people and kick them out of the country. On that point, we agree.
“This is so serious. Out, out, out!” he barks, followed by a whole lot of bizarre chanting and booing off camera as Trump continues to glare. “Take his coat!” another attendee yells.
All in all, an incredibly poor comedic effort on Trump’s part. Two out of ten smokin’ hot daughters.