Google Maps is no stranger to being accused of accidentally capturing grisly murder scenes, but one California father says this time Google really did stumble upon the body of an actual murder victim: His son.

Jose Barrera's 14-year-old son Kevin was shot and killed back in August of 2009, and his body was found lifeless near the Union Pacific railroad tracks in Richmond.

Barrera believes that a Google Maps image that recently surfaced online shows the scene where Kevin's body was discovered, and wants Google to remove it.

"When I see this image, that's still like that happened yesterday," Barrera told KTVU. "And that brings me back to a lot of memories."

Barrera's heartache is compounded by the fact that Kevin's killer was never found.

He hopes that filing a formal complaint with Google will get the image removed, but, at the time of writing, the image remains online.

[screengrab via Google Maps]