Earlier this year, helium-voiced rapper Danny Brown received oral sex onstage at a show in Minneapolis. Brown later bragged about it on Twitter, but he also tweeted his sticker-book-rapper tourmate Kitty's essay for Vice describing the incident as assault. This sounded like bullshit. It turns out that it was.

Brown didn't say much about the incident after tweeting complicit agreement with Kitty Pryde's piece. Thanks to hindsight's 20/20 vision and the outrage's cooling, he articulates a fuller picture in Lauren Nostro's recent Complex cover story:

I gave up on trying to be a dad to Kitty Pryde. I didn’t want her to write that piece. People get their dicks sucked every day, B. It shouldn’t be a big deal. I just felt embarrassed because I wasn’t all the way hard yet. With a little more time she could have got the full power.

Yep. Just as I suspected—the assault was on his fragile masculinity. Defend this guy and his embarrassingly soft cock.

Pitchfork's Carrie Battan also had Brown discuss the blowjob discussed 'round the world in her profile of him that first ran on the site last week:

While Brown says he “loves [Kitty] like my daughter,” he doesn't totally agree with her interpretation of the incident. “I look back at it and see that it takes two to tango," he admits. “As much as it was [the young woman at the concert’s] fault, it was my fault, too.”

Yeah. Right. Exactly.

Battan's piece, which is an actual feature as opposed to Nostro's more oral-history style shaping of a narrative almost entirely from Brown's own quotes, is much more endearing, incidentally.

[Image via Getty]