The St. Louis-Post Dispatch is reporting that Darren Wilson, the Ferguson police officer who shot and killed 18-year-old Mike Brown in early August, appeared before a St. Louis County grand jury today to testify about the shooting. An unnamed source "with knowledge of the investigation" tells the newspaper that Wilson testified for nearly four hours.

Wilson, as you doubtless recall, has been MIA for weeks: he and his family left their home in the St. Louis suburb of Crestwood well before his name was made public. Even finding out what he looks like has been rather difficult.

Grand jury proceedings are usually totally secret; whoever talked to the Post-Dispatch emphasized that Wilson wasn't under any obligation to testify and that he's been "cooperative." He's also spoken to St. Louis County investigators twice and federal investigators once, the source added. Two witnesses to the shooting, Tiffany Mitchell and Piaget Crenshaw, are also supposed to testify before the grand jury, though we don't know when they might be called.

St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch also announced today that audio recordings and transcripts of the grand jury investigations will be released to the public in the event that Wilson isn't indicted.

"We just want to be more open," a spokesman for McCulloch's office said, according to the Associated Press.

Still no word on where Darren Wilson is spending his time these days, though.

[Image of Mike Brown's casket via Associated Press]