City leaders say Darren Wilson, who finally resigned from the Ferguson police force Saturday, will not be receiving severance pay, pension checks, or any other benefits.

According to the New York Times, Wilson—who only had three years on the force—had not yet vested in a pension plan. He had, however, been on paid administrative leave for almost four months when his resignation was made official Saturday.

Wilson's attorney, Neil Bruntrager, told St. Louis Public Radio Wilson also won't be getting any severance pay.

Although Wilson resigned, he's still technically eligible to work as a police officer because, ironically, he's still licensed as a "peace officer."

"Whether officially his license is removed or unofficially, I think it would be very unlikely that he'll ever seek law enforcement again, unless it's in a private manner," former Ferguson mayor Brian Fletcher told the radio station. "He's had a chance to think about this. For everybody's sake, both the community and Darren Wilson's sake and the Brown family, I think he's made the right decision."