Celebrities—they’re just like us: risking life and limb for the taste of a truffle fry.

The latest potentially killer food, I’m sorry to say, is also the most irresistible: the light of my life, fire of my loins, my sin, my soul—I’m talking about a little elixir called truffle oil. More specifically, the in-house truffle oil used at Fig & Olive, a national chain of restaurants just perfect for Becky’s 25th birthday dinner (it was Rosé-themed and the birthday girl wore DVF). But I digress, because Becky is probably dead now.

Via the Los Angeles Times:

Fig & Olive has been linked to salmonella outbreaks at two of its restaurants on opposite sides of the country, one in Washington, D.C.’s City Center and another on Melrose Place in West Hollywood.

The D.C. outbreak may have sickened as many as 160 people in five states, according to the Food Poisoning Bulletin. The outbreak in West Hollywood, which occurred sometime last week, according to a statement released by the restaurant, has sickened at least 12 people, including some employees. Nine of the confirmed California cases were caused by the same strain of salmonella bacteria implicated in the D.C. outbreak. The restaurants are part of a New York-based chain.

The restaurant has not confirmed the salmonella is coming from inside the house oil, but the LA Times notes “dishes that contain truffle oil (including fries and mushroom croquettes) have been removed from the menu at both locations.”

That’s 172 people in six different states affected so far, and I’m afraid to tell you it gets worse. Our national pride—beautiful famous people—may be victims too: according to the Times, “the restaurant would not say on what date the incident occurred, but the West Hollywood Fig & Olive did host at least two Emmy-related events last week, including a celebrity gifting suite and luncheon on Sept. 17 and an “Entertainment Weekly” pre-Emmy party on Sept. 19.”

Still, truffle oil: I could think of worse ways to go out.

More in Nothing Tastes as Good as Death Feels:

Image via Facebook. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.