Sefer Calinak, when he appeared on a Turkish dating show called Luck of the Draw, revealed to the host that he had murdered both his former wife and former lover. He had served a prison sentence for both murders and was released under an amnesty program.

Calinak's late wife was also his cousin, and he admitted to murdering her out of jealousy. Then he went on to say that murdering his lover was an accident, when he "swung an axe" in her direction.

In an interview after the show, Calinak vowed to never kill another partner.

"Women would leave me after I told them that I murdered my previous wives. But I spent 14 years in jail. I have changed."

But the head of Turkey's Media Monitoring Group, Hulya Ugur Tanriover, was quoted as saying a complaint should be filed against the show, requesting that criminal background checks be done in the future.

[Image via BBC]