If you gazed skyward in New York City on this sunny 4/21, you may have glimpsed an airplane-borne banner over the Hudson River celebrating and poking fun at our mayor’s widely rumored cannabis habit. “De Blasio Get On The Pot,” it read. “We [weed leaf] NYPD.”

The banner, financed by ANIMAL New York (full disclosure: my former employer), was intended to run on 4/20, but was delayed until today by the rain. A group of NYPD supporters flew a handful of anti-de Blasio banners in December and January, one of which carried the opposite message. (“De Blasio Get Off The Pot. Resign. We <3 NYPD.”)

“ANIMAL decided it was time to strike back with a nonsensical message of our own and hopefully put an end to this silly spate of sky-high marketing,” reads an ANIMAL post about the banner. “It’s time for New York to have a grown up discussion about weed.”

[Image via Aymann Ismail/ANIMAL New York]