De Blasio Is Mad as Hell at You, Cuomo

Mayor Bill de Blasio has finally started to fill his size 49 Strawbridge’s loafers. On Tuesday afternoon, he called a meeting with members of the press to spit some brassy words about sitting Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo. The verdict? De Blasio is mad as hell and he isn’t gonna take this—meaning Cuomo’s—shit anymore.
De Blasio was all packed and ready for his weeklong family vacation to the Southwest on Tuesday when he needed to cross one last thing off his list: burning some bad boys. De Blasio was determined to out Cuomo for what he alleged was the governor’s personal revenge: Cuomo had blocked reform in rent laws and left de Blasio with only twelve months control over NYC’s public school system. This was not the stuff of normal political back-and-forth, de Blasio noted. No, no. It was something much more divisive:
“That was clearly politically motivated,” Mr. de Blasio said, “and that was revenge for some perceived slight.”
The mayor added: “It’s not about policy. It’s not about substance. It’s certainly not about the millions of people affected.”
De Blasio inferred that Cuomo has not acted in the interest of New Yorkers, and that he has been “disappointed at every turn.” He concluded his time with the press by stating:
“We will not play these games,” Mr. de Blasio said, adding that Mr. Cuomo’s behavior was “not anything like acceptable government practice, and I think people all over the state are coming to the same conclusion.”
One imagines the dealwithit gif playing in de Blasio’s mind as he boards a plane to New Mexico with Chirlane McCray as pilot.
Cuomo, of course, couldn’t let these “barbed” words, as the Times calls them, slide by. Melissa DeRosa, a spokeswoman for the governor, wrote in an email:
“For those new to the process, it takes coalition-building and compromise to get things done in government. We wish the mayor well on his vacation.”
Pew pew.