The Los Angeles Times reports that Christopher Richard Garcia, a deputy city attorney for Los Angeles, was arrested Thursday on multiple charges of possessing and suspicion to distribute child pornography. He had reportedly been under investigation for a year.

The case was opened last November when, after Garcia's computer was seized by authorities, some "questionable images" were discovered.

Officer Liliana Preciado, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles Police Department, talked with the Los Angeles Times regarding his arrest:

A forensic search of the computer revealed evidence of child exploitation, she said.

Prosecutors said Garcia has been charged with sending or bringing obscene material into the state for sale and possession of material depicting minors engaged in sexual conduct.

He allegedly sent some of the material on April 2, 2013, and was found in possessesion of it that November, according to court records.

Garcia was put on administrative leave last November when the case came to light. He previously worked as an attorney for Los Angeles International Airport.

[Image via AP]