The Detroit area was pounded with unprecedented amounts of rain and flash floods on Monday, but Jena David, a 30-year-old woman who was caught in the deluge, survived—even though local news reported her as dead.

According to the AP, an unidentified man pulled the unconscious David from her car and brought her to a nearby Buddy's Pizza, where she was taken to the hospital. After regaining consciousness, she was discharged and taken home.

It was only after watching news reports of a woman who died after being carried into Buddy's Pizza that David realized that they were talking about her—and she was very much alive.

The mixup occurred in the confusion that follows chaos, when officials reported the death, according to Warren Deputy Police Comissioner Louis Galasso, who was just doing his job when he relayed the news of her death to the media. He told the Detroit News:

"I got a call from our fire commissioner, who tells me: 'You know that lady who died at Buddy's? Well, she just walked into Buddy's looking for her property. She's not dead. She wanted to know if anyone had her purse.' "

The news of David's death and subsequent non-death took a toll on her family. David's mother, Layla David told reporters "I felt like I was having a heart attack…Everything was going through my mind I was very scared."

David elaborated on her continued aliveness to the press:

"I'm alive," she said Friday. "It was strange seeing the media reporting that I was dead. Now, my friends don't believe me when I tell them I'm the girl who supposedly died at the Buddy's Pizza."

The floods on Monday claimed 100-year-old Julie Sarno and an unnamed 68-year-old man. Both deaths have been confirmed by the coroner.

[Image via AP]