The mystery of the summer deepens: Over a series of texts exchanged with my friend Kate, Diplo admitted that he has “no idea” how he ended up in possession of her baby photo, which—as Gawker exclusively reported yesterday—the DJ has posted at least four times to his Instagram, apparently under the impression that the baby was him.

“Hey sis. I’m still confused how I got it,” he texted her today, before sharing a photo of himself as a baby with his mother. (It should be noted that the baby in this photo looks nothing like the one he’s repeatedly posted to Instagram).

Kate asked Diplo if his mom had anything to say about the mix-up.

“First she said it’s still me,” Diplo replied. “Then I convinced her it can’t be...Then my ex gf said she’s sure my mom gave it to us a few years ago...And it does say wes 2 years old. I have no idea where it came from unless some fan sent it to my mom or something she just put it with old pics.”

This has been a breaking news update about the on-going dispute between Diplo and my friend Kate.

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