Doctor Prescribes Oral Sex to Patient with Sensitive Gag Reflex

A woman in Sacramento who had been scheduled to undergo an upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy told her doctor she was concerned that her overly sensitive gag reflex might present a problem during the invasive procedure and was allegedly prescribed a less invasive means of ameliorating her condition: Oral sex.
Dr. J. Peter Zegarra reportedly suggested the unorthodox treatment to the woman and her husband after the former complained that she "gags at the dentist."
The patient "should be practicing twice a week on her husband by giving him a blowjob to address her gagging reflex," the colo-rectal surgery specialist reportedly advised.
The California Medical Board was subsequently alerted to the "playful suggestion," and Dr. Zegarra was issued an official public reprimand.
"This constituted unprofessional conduct, and so this is a message that this probably wasn’t appropriate," said California Medical Board rep Cassandra Hockenson. "A more appropriate response should have come with regards to dealing with her gag reflex issues."