Dog Saves Camper From Bear Attack, Camper Eats Dog To Survive

A Quebec man survived for more than three months in the Canadian wilderness after a bear attack left him unscathed, but his food gone and equipment ruined. He was found Wednesday, hypothermic and dehydrated, in the already very cold conditions of northwestern Quebec. His beloved dog however, didn't survive.
44-year-old Marco Lavoie had gone into the woods for a two-month canoeing trip when a bear attacked his camp, only to be scared off by his german shepherd. After that, Lavoie only had his own wits to keep him alive. And his dog.
"In these parts, there's a subculture of people who go on these long trips into the middle of nowhere, but sometimes we forgot how dangerous it can be," Gerald Lemoine, mayor of a small town near where they found Lavoie, told the Montreal Gazette.
A few days after the bear attack, Lavoie hit his dog with a rock and ate him.
"He survived because he made good decisions. Eating his dog was one of them," Andre Francois Bourbeau, a survival expert, told The Toronto Sun.
Lavoie had set out on July 16th, but it wasn't until October 21st that his family alerted the police that he had overstayed his time in the woods. Police searched for eight days without any luck for Lavoie, but finally spotted him on Tuesday. After finally reaching him on Wednesday, Lavoie had to be carried more than a mile to a waiting chopper. He had lost half his body weight and couldn't speak or drink.