Photo: AP

On Tuesday, Queen of Dollywood Dolly Parton took to social media to respond to reports that she had endorsed Hillary Clinton, clarifying that she supports the presumptive Democratic nominee in the same way she supports all of us, whom she loves dearly.

“I have not endorsed Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump,” wrote Parton on Facebook. “I have not decided who I’m voting for, but no matter what we’re gonna be suffering from PMS, Presidential Mood Swings.”

Photo: Facebook/Dolly Parton

During a recent interview with The New York Times, Parton said that if Clinton “gets it, I’ll certainly be behind her.” While “it” referred to the presidency, some political bloggers mistakenly believed Parton meant the Democratic nomination. She did not.

“I try not to get political but if I am, I might as well just run myself,” added Parton on Tuesday, “‘cause I’ve got the hair for it, it’s huge, and they could always use more boobs in the race.”

Long live the Queen.