Photo: Getty

Donald Trump has never been one to speak kindly of women, particularly women who have the gall to call him out on his egregious transgressions.

This week, his beef with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren resulted in the trading of countless tweets, with Warren coming out a hero among heroes in her absolute destruction of the Republican presidential candidate.

But Trump is still holding onto his anger, living up to the word Warren used to describe him: “bully.” In an interview with The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd, Trump so lovingly referred to Warren as “Pocahontas,” referring to a controversy over her claim to having Native American heritage.

When I asked if he had been chided by any Republicans for his Twitter feud with Elizabeth Warren, he replied, “You mean Pocahontas?” So much for reining it in.

It’s worth noting, when talking about offensive stereotypes about Native American people, that Trump has opposed the renaming of Mount McKinley to Denali, which was done out of respect to Native Americans. He’s also said that he is “extremely proud” that the awful term “Redskins” is the name of Washington, D.C.’s football team.

But, hey—at least he’s not calling Warren a slob, dog, or pig this time—or threatening to punish her for having reproductive rights.