Donald Trump Admits to Maybe Not Actually Wanting to Be President Even if He Wins

We already know that failed former New Jersey Generals owner Donald J. Trump is not going to be the president. But now that Trump’s nomination is all but locked in, he might finally be starting to admit it himself.
Whether it’s because Trump has actually been running a false flag campaign to secure Hillary Clinton’s presidency or he’s just a Personal Brand dead set on winning and nothing else, let us pray that Trump was being sincere when he said the following. From The New York Times [emphasis added]:
Presented in a recent interview with a scenario, floating around the political ether, in which the presumptive Republican nominee proves all the naysayers wrong, beats Hillary Clinton and wins the presidency, only to forgo the office as the ultimate walk-off winner, Mr. Trump flashed a mischievous smile.
“I’ll let you know how I feel about it after it happens,” he said, minutes before leaving his Trump Tower office to fly to a campaign rally in New Hampshire.
Sure, the line could be a fun little joke meant to drum up press (I know. It’s working. I don’t care.). But knowing what we know about Donald Trump—like how much he loves making money and how much he hates opening himself up to personal scrutiny—all things considered, there’s almost certainly some truth in there.
And if not, god help us all.