Donald Trump Bans Iowa Newspaper From Event for Being Too Mean

Failed Sharper Image meat peddler and godsend to the Republican primaries Donald Trump is sad. The reason Donald Trump is sad is because the largest newspaper in Iowa recently called him both a “bloviating side show” and a “feckless blowhard.” So Trump is doing the only sensible thing: Banning the newspaper entirely.
Register political columnist Kathie Obradovich was informed Friday that she had been denied a credential to the event, a “family picnic” featuring Trump that will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday at the George Daily Community Auditorium in Oskaloosa.
Trump’s national campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, told Obradovich in a phone call that the Register was being excluded from the event because of the editorial.
Of course, as the paper told Trump’s campaign, its editorial board does operate wholly independently of its political reporting. But sentient racist chain letter Donald Trump is undeterred; The Des Moines Register can not come to his party.
Trump called the paper’s editorial “sophomoric” and insisted that “as one of the most liberal newspapers in the United States, [my eleven-point lead] poll results were just too much for them to bear.” Added the Republican primary frontrunner: Oh my god, why are they so obsessed with me?!
Trump’s campaign promised to reconsider The Register’s status in future events.