Donald Trump Blames Obama for Lawsuit Against His "University"

According to dicknosed baldy Donald Trump, the $40 million dollar lawsuit filed against Trump University was President Obama's idea and “could very well be a mini IRS scandal.”
Trump claims that Obama orchestrated the lawsuit during a meeting last Thursday with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who filed the suit on Saturday.
"They meet on Thursday evening - I get sued by this AG Schneiderman... Saturday at one o'clock," Trump said Monday on Fox and Friends. "Think of it. What government in the history of this country has ever brought a suit on Saturday? I never heard of such a thing....They obviously did it very quickly, but probably Obama - maybe this is a mini IRS. Maybe we have to get the tea party after these people, because this could very well be a mini IRS."
It's worth noting that Trump's "mini IRS" statements are in reference to a "scandal" that turned out not to be a scandal at all, at least not in the way Trump is presenting it.
Schneiderman denied Trump's claims during an appearance Monday on CNN. "The president and I have much more important stuff to talk about than Donald Trump," he said, adding that the two discussed education. "I've never discussed Donald Trump with the president."
The lawsuit very believably alleges that Trump's for-profit "university" was an "elaborate bait-and-switch" that defrauded at least 5,000 people out of thousands of dollars in tuition.
[via Daily Intelligencer/Image via AP]
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