Photo: AP

Donald Trump says he’s donated millions of dollars to charity. This week, the Washington Post tried to investigate those donations, but it seems Trump was too smart for them—they could only track down one donation for a few thousand dollars. No wonder he blacklisted the paper—totally incompetent.

According to the Post, Trump’s foundation has has only donated about $2.8 million —this, despite the $8.5 million in donations he’s publicly announced giving. Among them:

If Trump stands by his promises, such donations should be occurring all the time. In the past 15 years, Trump has promised to donate earnings from a wide variety of his money-making enterprises: “The Apprentice.” Trump Vodka. Trump University. A book. Another book. If he honored all those pledges, Trump’s gifts to charity would have topped $8.5 million.

But in that time, public records show, Trump donated about $2.8 million — less than a third of the pledged figure — through a foundation set up to give his money away. And there is no evidence that Trump has given to his foundation lately: The last record of any gift from him to his foundation was in 2008.

Still, Trump has an explanation: He gave the money privately. But the Post, which called more than 150 charities tenuously linked to Trump, managed to turn up only one donation in the last ten years: A gift, valued between $5,000 and $9,999, to the Police Athletic League of New York City.

Trump’s other millions currently remain unaccounted for. And they call themselves journalists...

The whole failure of an investigation can be found here. No wonder why Donald Trump doesn’t trust the press.