Last night, Miss Cleo cosplay enthusiast Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters in Tennessee that he was able to predict terrorism in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve, because he “can feel it.”

In explaining his otherworldly gift, Trump noted that he “can feel [terrorism] like a good location. I really believe I have an instinct for this kind of thing.”

This isn’t Trump’s first foray into the realm of the metaphysical, of course. The Nostradamus impersonator has a long and storied history of granting the masses a glimpse into his miraculous mind via (what else but) Twitter.

Observe, dear readers, as the terrorism oracle speaks.

But with all his vast wisdom, why exactly did Trump decide not to use his psychic abilities to warn France of the attacks on Paris before they could happen?

We’ve reached out to Donald Trump’s camp for comment, and will update if and when we hear back. Presumably, however, they should have already seen it coming.

[h/t New York Daily News]

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