This is not a current rating. The Better Business Bureau does not currently have a rating for the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative (formerly known as Trump University), because the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative “is believed to be out of business.”

The site does include the text of one complaint filed against the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, in April 2013:

We paid more than $40,000 for some real estate education and a one-year mentorship. Several months into the mentorship program, our mentor/coach stopped getting in touch with us. We later learned that he stopped calling and e-mailing because Trump University was not paying him like they were supposed to. Also the information taught by some individuals at those seminars was questionable from a legal standpoint and even questionable from a moral standpoint. Many services that they performed were not at all to the level of what they advertised. One of the easiest example is a $3000 “bus tour” was sold promising professionals of all of the real estate trades would be with us in the bus, when we in fact ended up with one single high-end residential broker who had no clue of what we were trying to achieve, i.e. buy distressed properties to rehab them. A total waste of time and money, when they actually also spent one full day pitching us other Trump products. We called the office and sent Trump University a letter via FedEx to request reimbursement. After several calls to the office, we were told that our letter had gone to their legal department and that we would hear back from them shortly. To this day, we have not heard back from anyone, and now all of the phone numbers that we have are disconnected. We cannot let $40,000 of our hard earned money go down the drain to some unscrupulous entity without wanting justice be done. if you desire, I could forward you a copy of the letter we sent to Trump University originally. Looking forward to hearing back from you, we thank you very much for the good services the BBB provides to the people.

Desired Settlement: We would like the full amount we paid reimbursed, plus our credit card interest paid since the date of the charges.

“Trump Initiative’s ultimate goal is to provide our students with the tools needed for success,” the business responded, before denying the request for a refund. “As a gesture of good will and in the hopes of bringing this issue to a close we offered to reactivate [the complainant’s] account so she could download and enjoy the virtual versions of our live Real Investors Blueprint Workshop and four Advanced Retreats.” The complainant did not respond.

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