Donald Trump May Pay Legal Fees for Man Who Sucker-Punched Protestor

Donald Trump, ever a font of wisdom, started off his Sunday with a doozy of a blanket statement: “I don’t accept responsibility.”
The Republican presidential frontrunner took to “Meet the Press” on Sunday morning to discuss the systemic violence associated with his campaign events, arguing that he does not condone violence while simultaneously condoning violence. Trump has, in the past, promised to pay legal fees for supporters who use violence against rowdy protestors.
Host Chuck Todd brought up an incident at a recent Trump rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in which a supporter sucker-punched a protestor without warning as he was leaving the venue.
The the 78-year-old white man, John McGraw, was booked on charges of misdemeanor assault and battery and disorderly conduct last week. In response, Trump acknowledged that he was considering paying the man’s legal fees:
“The man got carried away, he was 78 years old, he obviously loves this country and maybe he doesn’t like seeing what’s happening to the country. I want to see the whole tape ... I’m going to look at it. I want to see what was behind it, because this was a strange event ... I’ve actually instructed my people to look into it [paying his legal fees].”
The clip also includes a lengthy discussion of Trump’s fear of protestors holding tomatoes, which he describes categorically as “very damaging. Not good!”