Photos: AP

Asked on Monday how his Muslim ban would affect London’s newly elected mayor, Donald Trump suggested Sadiq Khan might be one of the good ones, telling The New York Times, “There will always be exceptions.”

Additionally, Trump said he was “happy to see” Khan, the first Muslim mayor of any major Western capital, elected.

“I think it’s a very good thing, and I hope he does a very good job because frankly that would be very, very good,” said Trump. “Because I think if he does a great job, it will really—you lead by example, always lead by example. If he does a good job and frankly if he does a great job, that would be a terrific thing.”

In an interview published earlier that day, Khan said he planned on visiting the United States before January’s inauguration, specifically citing Trump’s proposed ban. From Time:

I want to go to America to meet with and engage with American mayors. If Donald Trump becomes the president I’ll be stopped from going there by virtue of my faith, which means I can’t engage with American mayors and swap ideas.

“Conservative tacticians thought those sort of tactics would win London and they were wrong,” said Khan. “I’m confident that Donald Trump’s approach to politics won’t win in America.”