It’s not easy working for Donald Trump. Following BuzzFeed’s lengthy evisceration of the real estate titan’s presidential ambitions, one of Trump’s aides, Sam Nunberg, resigned from Trump’s full-time staff. Nunberg confirmed the resignation to Brian Stelter in an email, later obtained by Betsy Rothstein of The Daily Caller, in which he responds to BuzzFeed’s McKay Coppins, whom Nunberg allowed to interview his former boss:

I tendered my resignation directly to Mr. Trump on Friday morning after the publication of what I considered to be an incredible pejorative hit piece by McKay Coppins in BuzzFeed. While I did not expect a love letter, I expect an unbiased, professional and balanced article. Sadly, the number of rife inaccuracies, mean spirited tone and complete failure of Mr. McKay to properly reflect when Mr. Trump was speaking to him in a sarcastic manner, in a blatant effort to depict in the worst possible light.

“With this hit job and McKay’s ‘40 percent’ comment during the Romney campaign,” Nunberg adds, “his professional reputation is null and void.” (Coppins was heard making fun of Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign.)

Coppins certainly isn’t shy about criticizing Trump. “His mission to make me and my colleagues in the political press take him seriously ... [is] about satisfying his insatiable thirst for validation,” he writes.

Nunberg, meanwhile, attributes the piece to BuzzFeed’s political leanings: “If he was a liberal billionaire, like George Soros, whose current litigation with a former lover is not covered at BuzzFeed, Ben Smith and the crowd at BuzzFeed would be kissing Mr. Trump’s ass.”

He should ask Paul Ryan about that theory.

[Photo credit: Getty Images]