Andrew Meyer caught viral fame in 2007 when, as a University of Florida student journalist, he tried to question then-Sen. John Kerry at an event and ended up tased by campus cops, despite his dudely entreaties for them not to do it. Guess what? Now he's on the press freedom beat!

Meyer has been hired as a staff writer for Photography Is Not a Crime, a First Amendment blog based near his home in Miami. PINAC founder Carlos Miller, himself a photojournalist, started the blog after police tried to block him from shooting their conduct of a rough arrest. He's covered the police shooting of Oscar Grant in Oakland and sketchy wiretapping practices against photographers... and he points out that Meyer's "Don't Tase Me Bro" moment "was one of the first pieces I wrote for this blog."

"Meyer's education, coupled with his passion for free speech, will give PINAC a solid journalistic boost as well as a fresh (maybe not so jaded) perspective," Miller wrote on the blog.

Plus, if anyone can get to the bottom of John Kerry's membership in Skull and Bones and how it led him to concede the 2004 election to George W. Bush, it's Andy Meyer:

[Photo credit: AP]