Late last night, a lawyer named Ethan Kirschner, claiming to represent Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, emailed a statement to several members of the media, including Reuters' Felix Salmon. In it, Nakamoto denies that he is, in fact, the "Satoshi Nakamoto" commonly credited with "inventing" Bitcoin. Here's what he says, in full:

My name is Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto. I am the subject of the Newsweek story on Bitcoin. I am writing this statement to clear my name.

I did not create, invent or otherwise work on Bitcoin. I unconditionally deny the Newsweek report.

The first time I heard the term "bitcoin" was from my son in mid-February 2014. After being contacted by a reporter, my son called me and used the word, which I had never before heard. Shortly thereafter, the reporter confronted me at my home. I called the police. I never consented to speak with the reporter. In an ensuing discussion with a reporter from the Associated Press, I called the technology "bitcom." I was still unfamiliar with the term.

My background is in engineering. I also have the ability to program. My most recent job was as an electrical engineer troubleshooting air traffic control equipment for the FAA. I have no knowledge of nor have I ever worked on cryptography, peer to peer systems, or alternative currencies.

I have not been able to find steady work as an engineer or programmer for ten years. I have worked as a laborer, polltaker, and substitute teacher. I discontinued my internet service in 2013 due to sever financial distress. I am trying to recover from prostate surgery in October 2012 and a stroke I suffered in October of 2013. My prospects for gainful employment has been harmed because of Newsweek's article.

Newsweek's false report has been the source of a great deal of confusion and stress for myself, my 93-year-old mother, my siblings, and their families. I offer my sincerest thanks to those people in the United States and around the world who have offered me their support. I have retained legal counsel. This will be our last public statement on this matter. I ask that you now respect our privacy.

The statement is signed by Nakamoto himself, dated today, and issued from Temple City, where Nakamoto lives. And yes, it says it's the "last public statement" he'll give in the matter. But given that it was distributed by a lawyer, that it contains one very lawyerly-sounding declaration of a specific harm Nakamoto has suffered as a result of the Newsweek article, one suspects some kind of legal action is in the offing.

Newsweek had yet to respond to Nakamoto's statement at press time.

[Photo Credit: AP.]

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