Everyone's just suing and countersuing all willy-nilly now in the Dr. Luke/Kesha sex abuse standoff, with Lady Gaga dragged into the mess as a potential witness in at least two civil suits. Hope she likes depositions :(

The legal battle began in October when Kesha sued Dr. Luke, alleging the star producer had been verbally, physically, and sexually abusive to her for almost a decade.

Dr. Luke promptly countersued, alleging defamation and breach of contract.

Last week, Lady Gaga confessed on Howard Stern's show that she had been raped by a producer when she was a teenager. The same day, Kesha's lawyer, Mark Geragos, posted a series of tweets identifying Dr. Luke as Gaga's abuser. He also told reporters he intended to subpoena and depose Lady Gaga as part of Kesha's lawsuit.

This week, Dr. Luke sued Geragos in a defamation suit. It's also the second lawsuit between the parties that would potentially require Gaga to testify. Luke's seeking unspecified damages for Geragos' tweets, which included the hashtag "#namethepervert."

But it's not bad news for everyone—someone's logging a ton of billable hours, and right before bonuses!!!

[images via AP]