Mexican special forces hunting Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman reportedly chased him off of a small cliff earlier this month, causing the escaped drug kingpin to break his leg and smash his face.

Citing a Mexican official with knowledge of the manhunt, CNN reports that special forces found Guzman near the town of Cosala on October 9. El Chapo, who escaped from a maximum security prison in Mexico in July, was reportedly with a young girl at the time; later, when he was alone, the authorities reportedly chased him on foot through the mountainous Sinola town. From CNN:

As they closed in, the official said, Guzman fell off the cliff. His bodyguards rushed to the bottom of the cliff, carried Guzman away and were able to escape in the dense forest, according to the official.

He hasn’t been seen since, though officials told CNN their chances of capturing him now that he is injured “have [been] boosted tremendously.”

Guzman escaped from prison on July 11, fleeing through an elaborate tunnel that was 30-feet below ground and equipped with ventilation, lighting, and a motorcycle track. To test the air of the tunnel, El Chapo reportedly sent a tiny and doomed bird named “Chapito” inside first. Perhaps Chapo’s injuries are karma for Chapito’s fate?

Image via AP.