This video, uploaded to YouTube Monday, stars an entitled young UConn student who wants some “fucking bacon jalapeño mac and cheese,” but these “fucking idiot” cafeteria workers won’t give it to him. Instead, they keep telling him he’s going to get expelled for bringing beer into Union Street Market. Whatever! This is America, man, and he’s 19. Like some “faggy cafeteria manager cafeteria manager cafeteria manager” can tell him what to do?

The kid, who did not get his mac and cheese, but did get the swift takedown he deserved, has been identified by Barstool Sports as “repeat party offender” Luke Gatti of Long Island, N.Y.

The blog Only in Amherst reports Gatti was previously a student at UMass Amherst, where he was arrested twice for run-ins with cops last September. According to police reports about the first incident, an officer told Gatti to move out of the street, so he “raised his left hand in a ‘Hook-em-horns’-like gesture and shouted fuck you nigger” at an officer.

He then allegedly yelled “Fuck you! I only said ‘fuck you,’ ... so fuck you!”

He was charged with disorderly conduct.

In the second incident, he was charged with assault and battery against a police officer, who reportedly suffered arm and hand injuries.

Update: The Hartford Courant confirms Gatti was arrested by UConn police around 10 p.m. Sunday, and has been charged with breach of peace in the second degree and criminal trespass. His bond was set at $1,500, and his next court date is October 13.

The university wouldn’t comment on the case specifically, but a spokesperson told the Courant that “Generally speaking, any UConn student found to have violated the provisions of the Student Code may face penalties imposed by the Division of Student Affairs that range from probation to expulsion.”

[h/t Barstool]