Duo Driving Donuts on Toms River Send Dog to Icy Grave

A New Jersey police dive team recovered a pickup truck that sunk into the Toms River early Sunday morning after the vehicle was spotted driving donuts on the ice. The driver and passenger later turned themselves into police; both were unharmed. Their dog was not so lucky: Police found its frozen body in the submerged truck.
According to Toms River police, they received a 911 call that a car had driven onto the frozen river just past midnight Sunday, and shortly after police arrived at the scene, the truck went under:
The truck drove out to the center of the river and began doing "donuts". Police units responded and also observed the vehicle on the ice. The headlight and brake lights could be seen from the shoreline as the vehicle headed South and West towards the other side of the river. After a period of time went by the lights suddenly were no longer visible.
"They went on the ice, and police shined their light on them, and they took off on the ice—turned lights off and took off," John Fackenthal, the passenger's uncle, told ABC New York. "They heard a crack, and got out of the car, and couldn't get the dog out, so the dog is still under."
With the help of a Coast Guard helicopter, the New York Daily News reports, police were able to fish the truck out of the river around 10 a.m. this morning*
NJSP TEAMS Unit conducted Successful Dive confirmed, No persons in Pickup; Boxer mix dog found in pkup. 2 subjects in custody.
— NJSP - State Police (@NJSP) March 1, 2015
[Image via U.S. Coast Guard Mid-Atlantic]