[There was a video here]

Before performing his song "Home Again," Elton John read a speech about Liberace (the subject of the multi-nominated HBO movie Behind the Candelabra) that he clearly did not write and maybe had never seen before he read it on live television.

He was made to say, "What I was not aware of until years later was [Liberace's] lifestyle," which made him do a take and quip, "Yeah right. Um...oh well!" At first I thought he was smarting at the word "lifestyle" to describe Liberace's sexuality (all together now: IT'S NOT A LIFESTYLE), but instead I think he's mocking the idea of being unaware that Liberace was gay. That's pretty fucking stupid, you know?

At the end of the speech, he read, "Liberace left us 25 years ago, and what a difference those years have made to people like me and people like me." And then he chuckled. Maybe because of the repetition. Maybe because it's a corny line. Maybe because of the shade, the shade of it all.