Email from Stephen Collins' Wife IDs 12-Year-Old Babysitter as Victim

In 2012, Faye Grant, the second wife of 7th Heaven star Stephen Collins, sent an email to a woman who had been allegedly molested by Collins when she was a child. In that email, a copy of which has been obtained by Gawker, Grant identifies their then-12-year-old babysitter as another victim of abuse.
The email, sent to us by a tipster familiar with the NYPD investigation into Collins' sexual abuse accusations, appears to be the same email cited by TMZ and the New York Daily News in their coverage of the scandal.
Also in the email, Grant writes Collins entered therapy and sexaholics anonymous, and claims that he has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It also states Collins molested the email's recipient and two others. "I knew Stephen was a narcissist, of course," Grant writes. "I did not know he was a pedophile."
From the email:
Stephen is not remorseful, shows no guilt, and his shame is demonstrated as extreme self pity. He wails and cries "i'm in so much paaaaaaain!!!" I do not think he has allowed himself, or perhaps he is not capable of experiencing the pain he has cause children.
The New York Daily News, citing a source within the Collins' extended family, has identified the woman who received Grant's letter as a relative of Collins' first wife, Marjorie Weinman:
The woman who received Grant's email is a relative of Collins' first wife Marjorie Weinman, the source said.
The woman claims Collins once tried to put her hand on his penis when she was 14 years old and visiting Weinman in the couple's Greenwich Village apartment, sources said.
She sent an anonymous letter to Grant in 2000 and contacted police in Los Angeles and New York in 2012, the source close to the investigation said.
Grant writes in the email that she has lived "every day with agonizing guilt" since learning of her husband's abuse and that she "should have done so many thing that I did not do." She goes on to say:
I have learned much about sociopaths the past 6 months. Stephen's every action comes from two motivations: One: to follow his prey. Two: To cover his tracks. Nothing else exists for him. Very sad.
[Image via AP]
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