Budding actress Emma Roberts, daughter of Eric Roberts (and niece of Julia Roberts), was taken into custody last week in Montreal on suspicion of domestic violence after she allegedly engaged in a physical altercation with her actor boyfriend Evan Peters that reportedly ended in bloodshed.

Roberts and Peters, who have been dating for over a year, were on location shooting the next season of American Horror Story — the FX TV show in which Peters stars, and which Roberts just joined.

A concerned hotel guest apparently alerted local police to a "heated argument" taking place in a nearby room, and when officers showed up they observed Peters with a bloody nose and bite marks.

Roberts was subsequently arrested, but released a few short hours later after Peters refused to press charged.

Sources told TMZ the two were hitting each other, but Peters was not arrested because Roberts did not sustain any immediately visible injuries.

The gossip site has since produced photos of Roberts looking "bruised and bandaged."

The couple has since released a statement concerning the incident, telling Us Weekly, "It was an unfortunate incident and misunderstanding. Ms. Roberts was released after questioning and the couple are working together to move past it."

[photo via Getty]