EMT Saves Heart Attack Victim While Suffering Heart Attack of His Own

An EMS technician performing CPR on a man suffering from a heart attack refused to let a tiny thing like having a heart attack of his own stop him from saving his patient's life.
The aptly named Joseph Hardman and his partner were rushing a heart attack victim to Detroit Medical Center last Friday, when Hardman suddenly began experiencing severe chest pains.
Despite the obvious risk to his own health, Hardman still opted to ensure the patient made it safely to the Cardiac Care unit before taking care of himself.
"[Hardman] dropped his patient off alive while he was having a heart attack, then went to the ER, where they treated him immediately," said union president Joe Barney. "He survived, and he’s in fact laying three beds over from the guy he brought into the hospital."
Speaking with 7 Action News earlier today, Hardman said being in an ambulance at the time likely saved his life.
According to his doctor, Hardman experienced a "one in a million" blockage in the "widow maker" artery.
"If I hadn’t been in the position I was in, I would have been deceased," he said.