Erin Brockovich didn't have the best weekend. The famous environmental activist (and the subject of her very own Julia Roberts movie) was arrested Friday night on suspicion of boating under the influence at Lake Mead in Nevada.

"She was not sure how to maneuver the boat into the dock," [Nevada Department of Wildlife spokesman Edwin] Lyngar told The Associated Press. "It's a simple thing if you can think clearly. But if you add alcohol and unfamiliarity of the area, it can all cause serious problems."

A game warden spotted Brockovich struggling to park the boat on her own and then observed that she (allegedly) “exhibited several signs showing that she was an intoxicated boater.” The warden detained Brockovich, whose blood alcohol level was found to be over two times the legal limit.

Brockovich issued an apology on Sunday, admitting that she had operated the boat while drunk but never in open waters.

"At no time was the boat away from the dock and there was no public safety risk," Brockovich said. "That being said, I take drunk driving very seriously, this was clearly a big mistake, I know better and I am very sorry.

"After a day in the sun and with nothing to eat it appears that a couple of drinks had a greater impact than I had realized," she added.

Brockovich, if she's a first time offender (authorities were unsure), faces a fine of $1,000 to $2000 for the offense.

[via Daily Intelligencer/Image via AP]

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